Uncovering the Surprising Speeding Ticket Dilemma: The Impact of Replacing 3.45 Diff with 3.27 Gears on a VE Commodore

For many car enthusiasts, modifying their vehicles for better performance is a passion. However, sometimes these modifications can lead to unexpected consequences. One such instance is the case of replacing the 3.45 differential (diff) with 3.27 gears in a VE Commodore. This seemingly innocuous change has led to a surprising number of speeding tickets for some drivers. But why is this happening? Let’s delve into the mechanics of this issue and uncover the speeding ticket dilemma.

Understanding the Role of Differential Gears

The differential is a component in all cars designed to compensate for the difference in distance the inner wheels and outer wheels travel during a turn. The number associated with the differential (like 3.45 or 3.27) is the gear ratio. This ratio affects the car’s performance in terms of acceleration, fuel efficiency, and top speed.

Impact of Changing the Gear Ratio

When you change the gear ratio from a 3.45 diff to a 3.27, you’re essentially altering the car’s performance characteristics. A lower gear ratio like 3.27 will give the car a higher top speed but slower acceleration, while a higher ratio like 3.45 will provide quicker acceleration but a lower top speed.

Why Does This Lead to Speeding Tickets?

The issue arises when the car’s speedometer isn’t recalibrated to account for the change in gear ratio. The speedometer reads the speed based on the rotation of the driveshaft. When you change the gear ratio, the driveshaft’s rotation speed changes, but if the speedometer isn’t adjusted accordingly, it will give an incorrect reading. In the case of switching from a 3.45 diff to a 3.27, the speedometer will read slower than the car’s actual speed, leading to unintentional speeding and potential tickets.

How to Solve This Issue

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is relatively straightforward. You need to recalibrate your speedometer after changing the gear ratio. This can be done by a professional mechanic or, if you’re technically inclined, you can do it yourself with the help of a speedometer calibration tool.


Modifying your car can enhance its performance and make your driving experience more enjoyable. However, it’s essential to understand the implications of these modifications. In the case of changing the differential gear ratio, failing to recalibrate the speedometer can lead to a surprising number of speeding tickets. So, if you’re planning to change your diff gears, don’t forget to adjust your speedometer accordingly to avoid any unwelcome surprises.